Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

[INFO] 7 PhD Scholarships in Biomolecular Sciences at University of Trento

The University of Trento announces the 25th cycle of the Doctoral School in Biomolecular Sciences.
Length: three years

Scientific areas:
BIO/10 Biochemistry
BIO/11 Molecular Biology
BIO/13 Applied Biology
BIO/18 Genetics
BIO/19 Microbiology
CHIM/06 Organic Chemistry
INF/01 Informatics

Head of School:
prof. Paolo Macchi
Tel. +39 0461 88 3095 - 3819;
Official language: English

The selection for 10 doctoral positions is announced. 7 positions will be assigned scholarships.

Degree Requirements
Applications for the doctoral positions are accepted from candidates, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who have an Italian "laurea specialistica" or "laurea magistrale" in compliance with Ministerial Decree no. 509 of 3.11.1999 as amended, a university degree of the previously enforced Italian regulations, or an equivalent academic degree obtained abroad.

The degree in scientific areas will be a preferential title.
Applicants who have a foreign degree which has not been officially recognized as equivalent to an Italian degree must submit a request for equivalence in the application.

The application, together with all the attachments required, must arrive at the University of Trento by the 30th of September 2009 in one of the following ways:
a) hand-delivered to the University of Trento - Ufficio Protocollo Centrale, Via Belenzani 12 – 38100 Trento (ITALY) from 10:00 am to 12:00 a.m., Monday to Friday;
b) by mail to the following address: Al Magnifico Rettore dell`Università degli Studi di Trento, Via Belenzani 12 – 38100 Trento (ITALY) (please write "Selection for Doctoral School in Biomolecular Sciences" on the envelope);
c) on-line application by 4:00 p.m. (GMT+1) at the following website:

Applications arriving after 4:00 p.m. (GMT+1) of the 30th of September 2009 will be disregarded, even if sent before the deadline.
The University of Trento does not accept responsibility for mishandling of applications by mail or courier services, or for applications sent to an incorrect address.

The gross amount of the scholarship is Euro 13,638.47 per year 1.
Grants are normally paid bi-monthly and in advance, with the exception of undue payments in case the student is expelled or suspended.
Grants cannot be combined with other scholarships, except those awarded by national or foreign scientific institutes deemed appropriate for the research activities carried out by the doctoral student.
The scholarship will be increased by 50% for research periods spent abroad that are authorized by the Head of the School or by the Doctoral School Committee.

further info:

[Spain] 4 Doctoral Scholarships in Economics at Barcelona Institute of Economics

Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB)
Call for applications

Under the Research Program "Fiscal Federalism" (Heads: Prof. Albert Solé-Ollé & Prof. Núria Bosch-Roca) at the IEB, we are seeking applications for Four Doctoral Scholarships

The academic year starts on September 1, 2009. The scholarship is for a period of two years (Master`s period), plus two additional years (PhD period) for students who are accepted on the PhD program. The amount of each stipend is 1,000 euro/month, and tuition fees will be waived.

The successful candidates will be admitted to the Master`s program in Economics at the University of Barcelona. The Master`s program is recognized by the Ministry of Education and the PhD program has received an award of excellence by the Ministry of Science.

The Master`s program comprises core subjects during the first year (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Mathematics and Econometrics) and three optional subjects from a list. During the second year there are also optional subjects, apart from the Master`s thesis. We expect the candidate to be engaged in the field of "Public Economics" (optional subjects: Public Finance I: Public spending, Public Finance II: Taxation, Fiscal Federalism, Political Economics, and Health Economics). During the PhD period, the candidate will have two supervisors: one from the IEB, and another from the IEB research network. During the third and fourth years, candidates will be encouraged to undertake short periods as visiting researchers at institutions connected with the IEB.

Participation in the Research Program "Fiscal Federalism" provides a unique opportunity to help address issues such as the design of the financial system of sub-national governments, the evaluation of decentralization in the provision of public services, the analysis of inter-governmental tax competition, and the political economy of sub-national policy making. The IEB also provides an excellent research-oriented environment, as it regularly organizes research events such as seminars, workshops and summer schools. The candidate will be encouraged to actively participate in all these events.

Applicants should preferably hold a Bachelor degree in Economics, and have a good knowledge of English. Only complete applications will be considered. Candidates must provide the following attachments: academic transcript / statement of purpose / curriculum vitae / reference letters

Applications should be submitted to the following address before July 15th (at latest) to indicating in the title of the message `Application to Doctoral Scholarship.

website link:

Beasiswa XL Khazanah Studi di Malaysia

Provider telekomunikasi seluler XL dan Yayasan Khazanah menawarkan program beasiswa 2 tahun di Universitas Multimedia Malaysia bagi mahasiswa yang telah menyelesaikan program diploma 3.

Beasiswa XL Khazanah

Pendidikan adalah pintu gerbang menuju kemajuan dan menciptakan masyarakat unggul. Kepedulian XL terhadap dunia pendidikan telah lama dan konsisten diwujudkan melalui berbagai programnya sebagai upaya nyata turut mencerdaskan bangsa. Kali ini XL bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Khazanah, salah satu shareholder XL, membuka kesempatan bagi lima mahasiswa Indonesia terpilih untuk meneruskan pendidikan di University Multimedia (MMU), sebuah universitas terkemuka di Malaysia, selama 2 tahun.

Program ini terbuka bagi mahasiswa yang telah menyelesaikan program Diploma III jurusan/program studi IT & Telekomunikasi dengan periode pendaftaran dari tanggal 30 Mei -30 Juni 2009.

Persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi oleh peserta adalah sebagai berikut :
Warga Negara Indonesia
Usia maksimal 23 tahun sebelum 1 Oktober 2009
Telah menyelesaikan pendidikan Diploma III atau akan selesai di bulan September 2009
IPK 3.25/4.00
Nilai Ujian Akhir Nasional SMU minimal 8.5/10
Aktif berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan dan organisasi kampus, sosial dan mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan yang baik
Sehat jasmani dan rohani

Proses seleksi akan dilakukan melalui:
Test TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) dan Test TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
Psiko Tes
Tes kesehatan
Wawancara dengan Top Management XL serta Yayasan Khazanah

Proses seleksi ini bermaksud untuk menjaring kandidat – kandidat terbaik yang kemudian akan terpilih lima orang penerima beasiswa. Beasiswa pendidikan di universitas ternama dan kesempatan bekerja di XL menanti Anda. Ayo tunjukkan partisipasimu, Raih kesempatan emas untuk terus Berprestasi dan meraih masa depan yang gemilang bersama XL dan Yayasan Khazanah!

Cara mendaftar: 1. Click di sini untuk mendownload form pendaftaran lengkap 2. Isi form pendfataran menggunakan Microsoft Word 3. Setelah Anda mengisi, save dan click di sini untuk mengupload form isian Anda, serta mengisi data singkat.

King Fahd University Scholarship

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals ( KFUPM) build in the year 1963 locations in Dhahran, Arab Saudi and just for men student. KFUPM now has program S2/S3 consisted of program Doctoral ( PhD.), program Master of Science ( MS.) and some other pascasarjana programs ( MBA, MACC., and MEng.).

Language of instruction applied is English and student is not claimed to have Arab linguistic competence. Academic person civity comes from various states and many activities like seminar, workshop or short course is carried out with matter giver from having immeasurable institution.

One of receiving line of student in KFUPM is passing

* Assistantship
* Lectureship, when applied,
* we also can apply for to become Research Assistant/RA ( to apply for S2) or Lecturer-B ( to apply for S3).

Program list S2/S3 in visible KFUPM in this document enclosure; description of visible program in KFUPM Graduate Bulletin available in:

Acceptance of new student done to be biannual namely at Spring Semester (February) and Fall Semester (September). Bundle application can be sent during the year but minimum is sent one semesters before semester wanted.

Position Of RA or Lecturer-B is including university staff and obtains some facilities, among others:

* first departure ticket and last the going home
* free cost of study and text book
* monthly salary (SR 1.000 for RA; SR 2.500 for Lecturer-B)
* paid leave during 30 days per year
* tempat tinggal di asrama (satu kamar berdua)
Lecturer-B dapat memperoleh tunjangan rumah SR 8.000 per tahun jika telah membawa keluarga dan tinggal di luar kampus
* layanan medis gratis di Medical Centre kampus dan subsidi 50% untuk obat-obatan
* subsidi di student restaurant

RA/Lecturer- B juga dapat ikut serta dalam funded project dan memperoleh tambahan sekitar SR 500 per bulan. Untuk funded project yang berasal dari Research Institute KFUPM atau instansi di luar KFUPM bisa mencapai sekitar SR 1.000 per bulan. Sebagai bagian dari keikutsertaan dalam funded project, RA/Lecturer- B juga berkesempatan untuk publikasi di jurnal atau seminar baik regional atau pun internasional. Di antara institusi yang memiliki kerja sama penelitian dengan KFUPM adalah Saudi Aramco (perusahaan minyak terbesar dunia), SABIC (perusahaan publik terbesar di Arab Saudi), Saudi Telecom Company, dan King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology.

RA/Lecturer- B memiliki kewajiban untuk membantu operasional departemen atau universitas. Beberapa contoh penugasan yang lazim diberikan adalah mengajar praktikum atau kelas S1, mengawasi ujian, tugas administrasi dan semacamnya. Jadi ada semacam kontrak kerja antara mahasiswa dan KFUPM; kontrak ini perlu ditanda tangani sebelum berangkat. Hampir semua mahasiswa S2/S3 (non-part time) dari luar Arab Saudi memiliki status ini.

Informasi mengenai syarat-syarat pendaftaran dan lainnya dapat dilihat di:

Secara umum syarat-syaratnya adalah:

* memenuhi persyaratan Deanship of Graduate Studies (lihat yakni:
o telah lulus S1 (program 4 tahun) untuk S2 atau telah lulus S2 untuk S3
o IPK >= 3.0 (kecuali untuk MBA >= 2.50) untuk S2 atau >= 3.20 untuk S3
o Nilai GRE yang memadai (GRE subject mungkin juga diminta untuk beberapa program)
o International TOEFL
- 190 CBT (520 PBT) untuk S2
- 210 CBT (550 PBT) untuk S3
- 4.0 untuk komponen writing (atau TWE)
o Surat rekomendasi dari tiga dosen (format ada dalam formulir lamaran)
* Daftar berkas yang dibutuhkan dapat dilihat di
* Formulir lamaran dapat didownload dari
(dalam lamaran juga tandai melamar sebagai Research Assistant atau Lecturer)

International TOEFL dan GRE dapat ditunda jika prestasi akademik istimewa.

Sebaiknya komunikasikan niat untuk melamar ke departemen yang bersangkutan. Komunikasi tersebut bukanlah bagian yang harus dilakukan dalam prosedur pelamaran jika berkas lamaran lengkap namun penting agar pemrosesan lamaran tidak tertunda di Deanship of Graduate Studies karena kurangnya berkas TOEFL dan/atau GRE. Departemen dapat memiliki kebijakan yang berbeda-beda dalam masalah ini.

Surat rekomendasi dari dosen diminta untuk dikirim langsung namun boleh digabung dengan pengiriman formulir lamaran dengan cara:

* tiap surat rekomendasi disimpan dalam amplop terpisah dan dilem (1 surat 1 amplop)
* minta dosen yang memberikan rekomendasi untuk membubuhkan tanda tangan di tutup amplop itu sebagai segel lalu minta untuk distempel fakultas di bagian segelnya.

Setelah berkas diterima oleh KFUPM, pelamar akan dikirimi surat keterangan bahwa berkas telah diterima dan jika ada yang kurang akan diingatkan dalam surat itu. Dalam surat itu juga tercantum reference number yang dapat digunakan pada Admission Tracking System:

Informasi yang lebih detail dapat diperoleh melalui departemen program masing-masing. Juga silakan menghubungi penulis terutama untuk M.S. program in Computer Science.

Lampiran. Daftar program S2/S3 di KFUPM*


1. Computer Engineering

* M.S. Program in Computer Engineering

2. Information & Computer Science

* M.S. Program in Computer Science
* M.S. Program in Computer Networks (joint program of COE and ICS)
* Ph.D. Program in Computer Science and Engineering (joint program of COE and ICS)

3. Systems Engineering

* M.S. Program in Systems Engineering
* Ph.D. Program in Systems Engineering


1. Chemical Engineering

* M.S. Program in Chemical Engineering
* Ph.D. Program in Chemical Engineering

2. Civil Engineering

* M.S. Program in Civil Engineering
* Ph.D. Program in Civil Engineering

3. Electrical Engineering

* M.S. Program in Electrical Engineering
* M.S. Program in Telecommunication Engineering
* Ph.D. Program in Electrical Engineering

4. Mechanical Engineering

* M.S. Program in Mechanical Engineering
* Ph.D. Program in Mechanical Engineering

5. Petroleum Engineering

* M.S. Program in Petroleum Engineering
* Ph.D. Program in Petroleum Engineering


1. Architectural Engineering

* M.S. Program in Architectural Engineering
* Master of Engineering Program in Architectural Engineering

2. City & Regional Planning

* Master Degree of City & Regional Planning

3. Construction Engineering & Management

* M.S. Program in Construction Engineering & Management
* Master of Engineering Program in Construction Engineering & Management


* Master of Accountancy Program
* Master of Business Administration


1. Chemistry

* M.S. Program in Chemistry
* Ph.D. Program in Chemistry

2. Earth Sciences

* M.S. Program in Geology
* M.S. Program in Geophysics
* Master of Geology Program (Professional)
* Master of Geophysics Program (Professional)
* Master Program in Environmental Sciences

3. Mathematical Sciences

* M.S. Program in Mathematical Sciences
* Ph.D. Program in Mathematical Sciences

4. Physics

* M.S. Program in Physics
* Master Program in Medical Physics

Scholarships from the Government of the Slovak Republic

Scholarships from the Government of the Slovak Republic. Programme for the Support of Mobility of Students, PhD. Students, University Teachers and Researchers

About the Programme
Establishment of the National Scholarship Programme for the Support of Mobility of Students, PhD students, University Teachers and Researchers was approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic in 2005. The National scholarship programme of the Slovak Republic is funded by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic.


The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic is intended to support mobility of foreign students, PhD students, university teachers and researchers to stay at Slovak universities and research institutions.

Types of scholarships
a) Scholarships for foreign university students (enrolled at least in the 6th semester) to take part in Master study over a period of 1 to 2 semesters (from 5 to 10 months) at Slovak universities.
b) Scholarships for foreign PhD students to take a part of PhD study over a period of 1 to 12 months at Slovak universities or research institutes.
c) Scholarships for foreign university teachers and researchers over a period of 1 to 12 months to carry out teaching or research at Slovak universities, research institutes or nongovernmental organisations on the basis of an invitation.

Citizens from following countries can apply for scholarships
a) European Uni0n member states – Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom,
b) other countries participating in the Bologna process (listed are only countries that are not stated in item a) – Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Switzerland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine,
c) Belarus,
d) Canada, Central American countries, Latin American countries, Mexico, the United States of America,
e) Australia, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of South Africa, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam.
Due to the mobility nature of the programme applicants cannot be considered if they have been studying, teaching or researching in Slovakia at the time of submitting their application.

The Scholarship Programme does not support:
a) foreign students and PhD students accepted for entire Master or PhD studies in Slovakia, specifically those who are already studying in Slovakia and would like to cover part of their costs from the National Scholarship Programme;
b) foreign university teachers and researches who are already teaching or researching at Slovak universities and research institutes;
c) citizens of the Slovak Republic studying, teaching or researching at foreign universities or research institutes;
d) foreign applicants accepted for other scholarship programmes in Slovakia (for example Visegrad Fund, Erasmus, CEEPUS, bilateral agreements, etc.).

Scholarship designation
The scholarship is designated to cover living costs (accommodation, boarding, etc.) of a study, research and teaching stay of foreign applicants at Slovak universities and research institutions. The applicants can ask their host institution to assist them to arrange their accommodation and necessary documents regarding the stay in Slovakia, or they have to arrange it by themselves. The Scholarship Programme does not cover the travel costs to and from Slovakia.

Amount of a monthly scholarship
a)University students 240 EUR
b)PhD students 470 EUR
c)University teachers:
lecturers with or without a PhD degree 670 EUR
associated professors 835 EUR
professors 1 000 EUR
young researchers (< 4 years of experience) 670 EUR
PhD holders (or > 4 years of experience) 835 EUR
senior researchers (>10 years of experience) 1 000 EUR

Application procedure
The on-line application system at opens 6 – 8 weeks before the deadline. The application form is accessible only after the on-line application system is opened. In order to submit the on-line application, it is necessary to fill in the on-line application form (in Slovak, English, French, Spanish or Russian version), attach all required documents (in .doc or .pdf format) and press the "submit" button.

Applications must be submitted on-line at and documents marked with asterisk (*) (see the List of required documents that must be attached to the on-line application form) must be sent by post and received by the deadline at SAIA, n. o. The submitted documents must be originals.

Foreign applicants who need to apply for entrance visa to Slovakia should consider the necessary visa processing period when planning the starting date of their scholarship stay. Information about visa conditions is provided by Slovak Embassies.

Documents must be received by deadline at:
SAIA, n. o.
Námestie slobody 23
812 20 Bratislava 1
Slovak Republic

Applications deadlines:
30 April 2009 (until 16:00 CET) - for academic year 2009/2010
31 October 2009 (until 16:00 CET) - for summer semester 2009/2010

List of required documents that must be attached to the on-line application form by foreign students and PhD students applying for a study/research stay:
· structured Curriculum Vitae,
· motivation letter,
· detailed study programme in case of students (incl. date of arrival and period of stay),
· detailed research programme in case of PhD students (incl. date of arrival, period of stay and detailed programme time schedule),
· two recommendation letters provided by applicant`s university teachers in case of students, one recommendation letter provided by applicant`s supervisor in case of PhD Students,
· confirmation letter from a sending university certifying that applicant is a full-time student enrolled in min. 6th semester, in case of a PhD student a confirmation certifying enrolment in a PhD study (*),
· certified copy of a Bachelor`s diploma or Master`s diploma and a certificate of a state exam (if any),
· admission or invitation letter from a host university or research institute in Slovakia proclaiming commitment that applicant will be enrolled in a study or research programme (incl. period of stay). The admission or invitation letter must be printed on official letter head paper of the host institution, including a signature of the person in charge and a stamp. (*)

List of required documents that must be attached to the on-line application form by foreign university teachers and researchers:
· structured Curriculum Vitae,
· detailed teaching and/or research programme (including date of arrival, period of stay and detailed programme time schedule),
· invitation letter from a host university or research institute in Slovakia (incl. period of stay). The invitation letter must be printed on official letter head paper of the host institution, including a signature of the person in charge and a stamp. (*)
(*) The documents must be sent by post and received by the deadline at SAIA, n. o. The submitted documents must be originals. The original admission or invitation letter from the Slovak host university or research institute can be sent by post from the host institution in Slovakia directly to SAIA n.o.

Selection procedure of applicants from abroad
The selection committee, appointed by the Minister of Education of the SR, carries out the selection of scholarship holders.
SAIA, n. o. will send the e-mail notification of granting or refusing a scholarship to all applicants within six weeks after the application deadline.
The selected scholarship holders will receive "Letter of award" and "Letter of acceptance" of the scholarship by post. The "Letter of acceptance" should be signed and send back to SAIA, n. o.
SAIA, n. o., Námestie slobody 23, 812 20 Bratislava 1, Slovak Republic

Silvia Kotulièová, Programme Co-ordinator
Tel.: +421 2 544 11 426 (436)
Fax: +421 2 544 11 429

Contact Info :

Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

Beasiswa S1 Unisma Bekasi 2009-2010

Hai teman-teman, ada Beasiswa Fullbright 100% BEBAS BIAYA KULIAH sampai lulus lho. Di Universitas Islam “45” (Unisma) Bekasi, itu loch UNISMA Bekasi yang ada di samping pintu tol Bekasi Timur, universitas paling besar or terluas se-Bekasi.

UNISMA BEKASI menyediakan beasiswa Fullbright (100% bebas biaya kuliah)
terbuka untuk umum dengan persyaratan:

• Siswa SMA/SMK/MA Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009 (Fresh Graduate)
• Tidak pernah tinggal kelas.
• Nilai rata-rata raport minimal 7,00 untuk setiap semester.
• Nilai raport untuk Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris dan Matematika rata-rata minimal 6,00 tiap semester.

• Surat Permohonan kepada Rektor UNISMA.
• Mengisi formulir dan biodata.
• Surat pernyataan yang disetujui orang tua.
• Surat pengantar dari Kepala Sekolah.
• Foto kopi rapor dari semester 1-5.
• Pas photo 4x6 berwarna 3 lembar
• Lampiran sertifikat-sertifikat prestasi (jika ada).

Peraih Beasiswa Fullbright dapat memilih salah satu program studi sebagai

1. Fakultas Agama Islam (FAI)
• Program Studi Tarbiyah/ Pendidikan Agama Islam (S1)
• Program Studi Syari'ah/Hukum Islam (S1)
• Perbankan Syariah (S1)
• PGRA (D2)

2. Fakultas Ekonomi (FE)
• Program Studi Manajemen (S1)
• Program Studi Akuntansi (S1 dan D3)
• Program Studi Komputer Akuntansi (D3)
• Program Studi Manajemen Keuangan Perbankan (D3)

3. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP)
• Program Studi Administrasi Negara (S1)
• Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan (S1)
• Program Studi Manajemen dan Administrasi (DIII)
• Program Studi Psikologi (S1)

4. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP)
• Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi (Olahraga)(S1)
• Program Studi Pendidikan IPS (GEOGRAFI) (S1)

5. Fakultas Komunikasi, Sastra dan Bahasa (FKSB)
• Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi (S1)
• Program Studi Sastra Inggris (S1)

6. Fakultas Pertanian (FAPERTA)
• Program Studi Agribisnis (S1)

7. Fakultas Teknik (FT)
• Program Studi Teknik Sipil (S1)
• Program Studi Teknik Komputer (D3)
• Program Studi Teknik Elektro (S1 dan D3)
• Program Studi Teknik Mesin (S1 dan D3)

Info lebih lengkap silahkan mampir yah ke
Disini teman-teman dapat langsung mendownload formulir beasiswanya.
Salam hangat,

Maharani Imran
Manajer Humas dan Pemasaran
Universitas Islam “45” (Unisma) Bekasi
Jl. Cut Meutia No.83 Bekasi
Phone/Fax. (021) 8808853

Beasiswa Guru Pesantren 2009 2010

Disiapkan Beasiswa Guru Pesantren
Ikhtiar Penyetaraan Pendidikan
SURABAYA ? Guna memacu kualitas tenaga pendidik di lingkungan pondok pesantren, Pemerintah Propinsi (Pemprop) Jawa Timur menyiapkan beasiswa bagi para guru pondok pesantren (ponpes). Program itu merupakan bagian dari penyetaraan pendidikan di pondok pesantren dengan sekolah umum.

Wakil Gubernur Jawa Timur, Saifullah Yusuf kepada para wartawan, Selasa (5/5) mengatakan, sejauh ini sudah 3.000 guru ponpes dapat beasiswa sarjana. Setelah lulus, mereka akan diusulkan ikut sertifikasi tenaga pendidik. ?Program ini akan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di ponpes,? ujarnya.

Penyetaraan itu penting karena selama ini pendidikan di ponpes masih tertinggal dibanding sekolah umum. Bahkan, sebelum 2007, ponpes tidak dipandang sebagai bagian dari sistem pendidikan nasional. ?Paradigma ini harus diubah, terutama di Jatim yang punya banyak ponpes,? ujarnya.

Sampai sekarang, masih banyak warga Jatim menyerahkan pendidikan anaknya ke pesantren. Jika pendidikan di ponpes tidak dibenahi, banyak warga Jatim menjadi korban. ?Makanya, pemprop ingin ada perbaikan dengan antara lain meningkatkan kualitas guru ponpes,? tuturnya.

Pemprop Jatim juga memandang pendidikan harus dikelola dalam satu atap. Ke depan, tidak boleh ada pemisahan antara sekolah umum, madrasah, dan pesantren. ?Pemisahan seperti ini menjadi salah satu penyebab kualitas pendidikan tidak merata. Ke depan, pendidikan di Jatim harus maju bersama dan untuk itu harus ada pengelolaan satu atap,? tuturnya.

Di sisi lain, Dinas Pendidikan dan Kanwil Departemen Agama Jatim sedang merintis kerjasama ke arah sana. Rintisan itu antara lain lewat penyelenggaraan ujian nasional serta pembagian BOS (bantuan operasional sekolah).

Sementara itu, Sekretaris Daerah sekaligus Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Jatim, Rasiyo mengatakan, tahun ini BOS dinaikkan. Besaran kenaikan juga disesuaikan dengan lokasi sekolah. ?Kebijakan ini berdasarkan masukan agar besaran BOS proporsional,? ujarnya.

Untuk SD dan MI yang sebelumnya Rp 254.000 per tahun per pelajar naik menjadi Rp 400.000 pert tahun per pelajar untuk sekolah di perkotaan. Sedangkan untuk wilayah kabupaten sebesar Rp 397.000 per tahun per pelajar.

Sementara untuk tingkat SMP/MTs, BOS naik dari Rp 354.000 per tahun per pelajar menjadi Rp 570.000 per tahun per pelajar di kabupaten dan Rp 575.000 per tahun per siswa untuk wilayah perkotaan.(ziz)